Monday, September 8, 2008

John William Waterhouse paintings

John William Waterhouse paintings
John Singer Sargent paintings
Jean-Leon Gerome paintings
Honeymoon Lodge Motel. Hence the decision to end his . Rescued willynilly from the sleeping-capsules, he'd tried to relish the horror of his disease, but the physical decay, it seemed, drove out the intellectual, and he'd found himself terrified instead of diverted by death's approach. Anosmia was followed by exophthalmos, and as his eyeballs began to pop, the cancer spread to and obstructed his lacrimal ducts, with the result that tears ran from them almost constantly. But it was as muchfor asfrom his condition that he wept. Greatly as he loathed mutilation, now he feared death more, and consented to radical surgery: the tears disappeared, along with his nose and a portion of the sight of both eyes.
With what vision remained to him he'd striven to imagine how my new Answer fit his case. Clearly I would not advise him to refine his amusements or otherwise attempt to become more campusly -- the end ofthat road he'd reached already, at the Honeymoon

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