Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Francois Boucher Brown Odalisk painting

Francois Boucher Brown Odalisk paintingFrancois Boucher Are They Thinking About the Grap paintingFrancois Boucher An Autumn Pastoral painting
magic charms like Doctor Know-It-AIl;
brainswere all I had, man! When she said:
"Answer this question quickly, or you're dead:
What mother eats up all her children, hey?"
Ididn't dance in circles; Ididn't say:
"I know the answer, ma'am, but it's outlandish,
so I won't tell it." She'd have made a sandwich
out of me if I'd pulled those old tricks!
Intelligencewas what it took to fix
her wagon! I said, "Nothing to it, Grampus:
the mom that eats her kids is Mother Campus --
matter of fact, she's having you for supperl"

"Hearing this, the fearsome beast threw up her
paws and died as if a spear were in her
heart,"et cetera. /'//throw up my dinner
if I have to hear that bragging tale again.

TALIPED:No clairvoyance, Gynander: just my brain,
my passèd human brain -- that's what it took!

GYNANDER: Then use your passèd brain to find the crook,
since you're so good at riddles. Here's a clue:
Know yourself.Begin your search with you.
You'll see the man you're after in a mirror;
take your falseface off --you'll see him clearer.

TALIPED: We see a flunking traitor; that's what we see!
A nasty, scheming, blind old AC/DC
wife's brother's
in cahoots with you, I'll bet --and others
too, no doubt. I see your pretty plot:
you'll pin the rap on me, and when you've got

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