Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Talantbek Chekirov Close Encounter

Talantbek Chekirov Close EncounterCassius Marcellus Coolidge WaterlooPino Morning Breeze
And mostly it was about the wedding. It’s different, for
royalty. For one thing, you’ve already got everything. The
traditional wedding list with the complete set of
Tupperware and and
swear, brothers who get belligerent after one drink, and
various people who Aren’t Talking to other people because
of What They Said About Our Sharon. Royalty has to dealthe twelve-piece dining set looks a bit outof place when you’ve already got a castle with so many fur-nished rooms that have been closed up for so long that thespiders have evolved into distinct species in accordancewith strict evolutionary principles. And you can’t simplymultiply it all up and ask for An Army in a Red and WhiteMotif to match the kitchen wallpaper. Royalty, when theymarry, either get very small things, like exquisitelyconstructed clockwork eggs, or large bulky items, likeduchesses.And then there’s the guest list. It’s bad enough at anordinary wedding, what with old relatives who dribble

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